Financial Results
- Financial Results Mar.31,2022(1,685KB)
- May.10.2022:Notice of Revision to Earnings and Dividend Forecasts(251KB)
- Mar.25.2022:Announcement Regarding Transfer of Share House-related Loan Receivables (72KB)
- Mar.9.2022:Announcement Regarding the Results and Completion of Treasury Stock Acquisition via Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Transaction (via ToSTNeT-3), as Well as Regarding Change in the Company's Largest Shareholder(71KB)
- Mar.8.2022:Announcement Regarding the Dissolution of Agreement on Capital and Business Alliance with Nojima Co., Ltd. and Repurchase of Own Shares and Repurchase of Own Shares through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading (ToSTNeT-3)(99KB)
- Financial Results Dec.31,2021(3,297KB)
- Financial Results Sep.30,2021(1,630KB)
- Nov.5.2021:Announcement Regarding the Revision to the Earning Forecast (150KB)
- Financial Results Jun.30,2021(1,213KB)
- Aug.13.2021:Announcement Regarding the Revision to the Earnings Forecast (150KB)
- May.27.2021:Notice of the Appointment of Directors(84KB)
- Financial Results Mar.31,2021(1,245KB)
- Announcement Regarding the Revision to the Earnings Forecast for the Fiscal year ending March 31,2021(143KB)
- Announcement Regarding Transfer of Share House-related Loan Receivables(145KB)
- Financial Results Dec.31,2020(1,026KB)
- Announcement Regarding the Revision to the Earnings Forecast for the Fiscal year ending March 31, 2021(142KB)
- Financial Results Sep.30,2020(1,416KB)
- Announcement Regarding the Revision to the Earnings Forecast (140KB)
- Financial Results June.30,2020(1,070KB)
- Financial Results Mar.31,2020(1,374KB)
- Announcement Regarding Transfer of Share House-related Loan Receivables(45KB)
- Announcement on Recording Extraordinary Loss(Impairment Loss)(42KB)
- Announcement Regarding the Revision to the Earnings Forecast(88KB)
- Announcement on Revision of Dividend Forecast(Return of Dividend)(38KB)
- Financial Results Dec. 31, 2019(1,029KB)
- Announcement Regarding the Revision to the Earnings Forecast for the Fiscal year ending Mar.31, 2020(147KB)
- Suruga Bank Mid-Term Buisiness Plan "Re:Start 2025" Phase 1 FY2019-2022(6,335KB)
- Financial Results Sep. 30, 2019(1,326KB)
- Announcement on the Appropriation of Dividends (no dividends) from Retained Earnings(132KB)
- Announcement Regarding the Difference between the Forecast and Actual Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2019 and a Revision to the Earnings Forecast for the Fiscal year ending March 31, 2020(669KB)
- Financial Results Jun. 30, 2019(1,226KB)